November 2016 Book Haul

Book Haul

Another month gone by, another book haul that has gotten out of control.  But it’s not as bad as it looks, I promise!  It was my birthday this month so I received a lot of books as gifts from friends.


First off, I will start off with the two ARCs that I received.  I received The Bear and the Nightingale through LibraryThing Early Reviewers program.  I received Love and First Sight from the publisher.  I am really excited to read both of them!14955834_10100216895701663_5947175443050843673_n.jpg

Next I have a few books that I found at Target.  Two of them are signed copies and one was on a clearance endcap because it was slightly damaged.  I couldn’t pass it up so now I just need to track down the first two books of the series haha.20161129_184939

Then I found a few books on Book Outlet.  I have been debating buying the 75th anniversary edition of Gone With the Wind for a long time so I finally caved and decided to add it to my GWTW collection.  I also got the last book of the Graceling trilogy, A Christmas Carol, and The Star-Touched Queen.20161129_185147

I also found a few books on Thrift Books.  I’m still working on completing my Outlander hardcover set of the current editions so I lucked out and found a decently priced copy of The Fiery Cross.  20161129_185102

I made a couple of book purchases on Black Friday that I am really excited about!  I am adding another Outlander hardcover to my collection as well as the 3rd book of the Bridget Jones series.  I got those from Amazon with their special holiday book deal.  Then I bought The Chemist at Target.  20161129_184839

I had ordered The YA Chronicles exclusive Gemina box awhile back and that finally arrived!  I loved it!  img_20161120_191023

I was also really excited about the November OwlCrate which featured an exclusive cover of Heartless!  I actually much prefer this cover to the regular black and red cover.  It also came with a copy of Alice in Wonderland, which I realize now I forgot to include in the complete photo.  img_20161121_122229

And now onto the birthday gifts!  I have such thoughtful friends.  First off we have my awesome package from Shelbie.  The book she sent along with everything else in this package is Starflight by Melissa Landers.  img_20161117_221134

Next up is this killer package from Ashley @ Socially Awkward Bookworm.  So many cool things!  And a book I have been dying to read – Nemesis by Anna Banks!!  It looks even more gorgeous in person.  I have since started coloring in the color me journal and I love it! So relaxing.img_20161116_184522

My friend Kristen (author of Blonde Eskimo) sent me an e-gift card for Amazon so I could pick out some books.  I was able to get some amazing YA books that I’ve really been wanting to read for awhile. img_20161121_202922

And last but certainly not least, the absolutely fantastic package from Tricia @ Bookworm Coalition and Lauren Bird Horowitz (author of Shattered Blue).  Omg these two know me so well and just killed with with every single thing in their package.  I actually teared up when I opened the book to find that not only was it signed but it was personalized to ME from Diana Gabaldon!!! Omg never in a million years did I think I would ever get a personalized book from her.










So those are all of the books that I got this past month!  I’m having a hard time finding space for them all on my shelves so it might be time for another culling.  What books did you get this month?

16 thoughts on “November 2016 Book Haul

  1. Wow! Now that’s a long list. Any estimates on how long it will take to get through them all? I can’t imagine ever having enough time in the world haha.

    Also, couldn’t help but notice the Hook Pop Vinyl… My Girlfriend has him pride of place on our shelf, he doesn’t have Excalibur though! Though I’m sure that’s not the reason she likes him… Hmmm.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: Month In Review: November 2016 | The Worn Bookmark

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