Why I Am Cutting My Goodreads Goal In Half

goodreadsAs we’re nearing the end of 2016 I have been thinking more about what goals I want to set for 2017.  For a reader who loves using Goodreads, a major part of that is deciding what to set my Goodreads reading goals at.  For 2017 I have decided that I am going to cut my Goodreads goal IN HALF.

I have been participating in the Goodreads challenge since 2013. Since I started book blogging in 2014 I have significantly increased the number of books that I read every year.  In 2015 I set my goal at 75 books originally but passed that a little over halfway through the year so I increased it to 110.goodreads-reading-challenges

In 2016 I decided to set my initial goal at 110 and I ended up passing that goal a few months ago.  With my success at surpassing my goals you might be wondering why I have decided to cut my goal in half.  Well, I have several reasons that really all add up to the same thing: pressure.goodreads-2016

  • I’m a very competitive person, even with myself so when I log in to Goodreads and see that I’m 1 book ahead of schedule for my goal, all that makes me want to do is increase that number to 2 and then 3 and then 4, etc. I want to get as far ahead as I possibly can.  That means I’m putting pressure on myself to read as fast as I can and as many books as I can.
  • Over the past year I often found myself choosing what books to read solely based on the page counts rather than what I felt like reading.  Because of that, I’ve been neglecting a lot of the bigger books (500+ pages) that I’ve been wanting to read because it would take me longer to add a finished book to my goal.  Example: I absolutely LOVE the Outlander series but I haven’t finished one of the books since last DECEMBER! I had been holding off on starting book 6 until recently because it is so massive.
  • In addition to avoiding the bigger books, I’ve also been avoiding the classics, non-fiction, and a lot of adult fiction I’ve been wanting to read because those take me a little bit longer to read than YA fiction.  Obviously there is nothing wrong with reading YA books, I love YA. But I also love other genres so I’ve been feeling a little guilty about excluding some of those just because it takes me longer to read them.
  • When I start feeling guilty, I end up having a hard time being in the mood to read.  Nothing I pick up feels right so I end up spending days to weeks at a time not reading anything at all.  And then when I do feel like reading again, I feel behind so I start picking up the shorter books again.  And the cycle just repeats itself.  I have had a lot of reading slumps this year.  I hate that!  I shouldn’t feel guilty about what I do or don’t read.
  • In addition to the above reasons I also have some other things that I will be working on in my personal life that will take up more of my free time.

Overall, I’m just looking to cut out some of the stress and pressure in my life because this past year has been incredibly stressful.  So I will not be participating in any other challenges and will also probably cut back on any readathon participation as well.  I will still be here blogging and posting on my social media sites.  In addition to cutting back on my Goodreads challenge, I will also be limiting my ARC and review requests so I have more time to devote to the books that I have been neglecting.

What are you planning to set your Goodreads goal at for 2017?


20 thoughts on “Why I Am Cutting My Goodreads Goal In Half

  1. you go girl! my goal was 30 books this year and I’m about to finish book #17. I should cut my goal in half for 2017 just to make sure I hit the actual goal! my problem is that I don’t give myself enough ‘me’ time to sit down and read. xoxo

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    • It’s a slippery slope, that’s for sure haha. I feel like I give myself too much me time so other things suffer, like my house. It is more often than not a disaster area with clutter everywhere lol. One of my major projects over the next year is extreme decluttering.


  2. Do what works best for you! I’ve gotten so far behind on my challenge this year (due to incredibly long reading slump during the summer), that I just said screw it and don’t even look at it anymore haha. I take my reading challenges as more of a suggestion and try not to let it completely influence how I read.

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  3. Great post! I totally agree with you on this one. I think I have also been staying away from the larger books, especially toward the second half of the year when I realized I wasn’t setting a good pace on my Goodreads goal. I think that’s why this month I listened to so many audiobooks. I knew if I didn’t listen to a ton of them this month, I would not reach my goal by the end of the year. I think cutting your goal in half will definitely give you less pressure to read so many books. I know when I feel pressured to do something, I end up not wanting to do it at all. I’ve had way too many reading slumps this year as well. I will definitely be reconsidering my Goodreads goal next year as well.

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  4. I plan on doing something similar for all the reasons you listed, I’ve also been neglecting some bigger books on my shelf (like The Name of the Wind and Mistborn)
    Also at some point in 2017, I need to start up taking college courses again and that really cuts into my reading time since I don’t know how to balance those two things.

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  5. The pressure to read a certain number of books started to get to me a couple years ago. I thought I had to hit 100, and it was too hard to meet that goal. Since then I’ve been setting it really low. I want to be able to read whatever I want. But I still find that I’m intimidated by long books because I think of how many smaller books I can read during that time!

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    • I think that will be something I’ll always have in the back of my mind too. Before I started blogging, most of the books I read were on the larger side but the past two years it’s like I’ve been reading the shorter books more because I can get through them faster and add another tally.

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  6. For me reading books is pretty much the only thing I do in my spare time. I had to adjust my book reading rules last year, when I started feeling bad about DNFing, but I realized that’s a waste of good time forcing myself to finish a book just to be able to add it towards my goal. So, I cut my goal down a bit, but also know that all my rereads won’t be counted. So it balances itself out. I definitely got to a point where I’m ONLY reading books I really want to read, not because everyone else reads it.;-) Many of the crowd pleaser turn out to be let downs for me.


    • That sounds like a good way to go about it! I definitely stopped having qualms about DNFing a book. If I’m not enjoying it, why waste the precious time it takes to read the whole thing. I have a bit of a hard time with crowd pleasing books as well. The Mortal Instruments series… not for me at all.

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  7. I can totally relate to putting off long books or books that I know will take me awhile to read. I can get through YA books pretty quickly but nonfiction, adult fiction, or even just long books (~500+ pages) take me much longer to get through and so I find myself just not reading them. For me, it’s less about my Goodreads challenge and more because I want to be able to post at least one review a week and I can’t do that if a book takes me over a week to read 😛 As much as I love blogging, it can add unnecessary pressure at times!

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    • There is definitely some unnecessary pressure when it comes to blogging. I’ve fallen so far behind on writing reviews that I just don’t even see myself writing any more the rest of the year, unless they are for ARCs. Hopefully I can start fresh with the new year and stay up to date on my reviews in 2017.

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  8. Pingback: Month In Review: November 2016 | The Worn Bookmark

  9. Currently I’m one book away from reaching 151 book goal for this year. My goal for 2017 will be 152books. And my strategy to reach that is listening audio books and also reading graphic novels, which later allows to read 500+ and even +/- 1000 page books

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