October 2018 Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon!

Picture_20181011_201705869.jpgHey everyone! Sorry I’ve been MIA again. We had a busy week last week with our good friends getting married. My husband was a groomsman so we had lots going on. This week we are in the midst of preparations for our Oktoberfest party that we are having with those same friends that got married last weekend. The past few years we have gone down to a brewery we all love for their Oktoberfest celebration but this year we decided to have our own shindig. We’re going to have lots of beer and German food all day on Saturday. I’m really excited for it!

Anyways, on to the reason for this post. It is almost time for the next Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon! It will be happening next weekend on October 20th. In the past I have ALWAYS had something come up on the day of the readathon so I never get to read as much as I would like to. But this year, and I hope I’m not jinxing myself, we have NOTHING on the schedule! It’s a miracle! I told my husband that we, or at least I, will be doing absolutely nothing but reading the day of the readathon.

If you haven’t heard of Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon, it’s pretty self explanatory. On October 20th the readathon starts at 8 AM EST (you can find your time zone and start time here). For me that will be 7 AM. And for the next 24 hours you can read and post about the books you’re reading on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, your blog, etc. There are mini challenges throughout the day but you don’t have to participate in them if you don’t want. It only happens twice a year, April and October, so that makes me even more glad I’m able to fully commit this time.

I’m going to continue reading books from my October Halloween TBR. I’ll probably post my TBR the day before as I’m not quite sure what books I will have left in my stack to read by then.

5 thoughts on “October 2018 Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon!

  1. Yay! I’m glad you’re getting to participate. I’m still on the fence. I have an in person book club meeting that evening that will take a good chunk of time out of my day. I may still join in if I can. Have fun reading!

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