TBR Jars

In one of my last posts I wrote about putting myself on a book ban so that I could save some money and finally start reading some of the books I already have.  To help with that I decided to make a TBR jar!  I still have books in storage because I don’t have enough shelf space so for this project I just used the books I have on my shelves for easy access.  I have also been in the mood to reread some of my favorites so I made two jars.  One TBR and one Reread.

TBRjarsOriginally I was going to color coordinate by genre so it’d be easier to find a book I would be in the mood for.  But I decided that would take too much time.  I ended up using 4 colors.  I used an Excel spreadsheet to type up my books, one sheet tab for each category.  Then I printed each sheet tab onto the colored paper that I assigned to it.  The most time consuming part was probably cutting the paper into slips and folding them.


  • Blue = TBR singles
  • Yellow = 2015 TBR Pile Challenge titles
  • Green = Reread singles
  • Orange = book series

For the book series, I put all of the series I’ve read to completion in the reread jar and the series I haven’t finished reading went in the TBR jar.  If I pull a series from the TBR jar, I will read whichever book is next in the series.

TBRfinalI kept the 2015 TBR Pile Challenge titles separate from them since there are only 8 left.  I added a little washi tape to the outside of the jars to use for labels.

So now when I am struggling to find something to read I will be able to pull a title from the jar and pull whichever book I get off the shelf it is located on.  Easy!


4 thoughts on “TBR Jars

  1. I really love this idea! I decided I needed a book buying ban, because I have about 50-60 books that I own that I haven’t read yet! I really need to stick to it. I hope your TBR jar idea helps!

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s exactly my plan. I thought about doing my Kindle books too but I have hundreds so that’ll have to be another time. For now I’ll work on my physical books and see how long that will take me. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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