Project Bookshelf Rearrange

I’ve always loved rearranging things whether it was furniture, books, movies, and even files on my computer.  When I was a freshman in college I rearranged my dorm room 9 times over the course of the year.  A couple of weeks ago I posted a question of the day regarding how people arrange their books to maximize space on their shelves. (You can read that post here!)  Ever since then I have been working on rearranging all of my bookshelves in order to make the best use of the space I have available.  The most important factor in the way I arrange my books is that I have to have my books by the same author together and keep my book series in their proper order.  After that I don’t really care as long as they all fit into place.  This morning I put the final touches on my rearrangement.  Here are some photo collages of my shelves and the way they are arranged now.

Tall bookshelf in my bedroom

This one is a tall 5 shelf bookcase from either Target or Ikea (I can’t remember exactly)

Squatty bookshelves in my bedroom

These are actually two different shelves stacked on top of each other. 

We have a little landing in our stairwell to the upstairs which has plenty of room for this skinny little 4 shelf bookcase that is the perfect size for mass market paperbacks.

We have a little landing in our stairwell to the upstairs which has plenty of room for this skinny little 4 shelf bookcase that is the perfect size for mass market paperbacks.

In the living room I have these shelves with some of my favorite book series.  The third shelf is in the next photo.

In the living room I have these shelves with some of my favorite book series. The third shelf is in the next photo.

The left photo is the 3rd shelf as mentioned above.  The right photo is my Anne Rice shelf (with a few others) that I have on the bottom shelf of my TV show bookcase.

The left photo is the 3rd shelf as mentioned above. The right photo is my Anne Rice shelf (with a few others) that I have on the bottom shelf of my TV show bookcase.

And last but not least, just a few small shelves that are scattered around my living room.

And last but not least, just a few small shelves that are scattered around my living room.

I actually had a lot of fun doing this project and I just love seeing all of the different colors of my books!  Seeing all of them together in one place makes me really wish I could have an entire room of my house dedicated to my beautiful books.

Collection List COMPLETE!

My project is finally complete.  There were a couple of days I didn’t work on it at all, otherwise I probably would have finished sooner.  One thing I realized in doing this project is that I have all kinds of books!  Everything from coffee table books, children’s books, history books, to contemporary fiction and the classics.  I love having a variety because I’ll never know what I’m in the mood to read until I’m in it.  Unlike some people who can make a list of books they want to read and just plow right through it, I can’t.  I have to be in the mood to read certain genres.  If I even attempt to read something I don’t feel like reading, that’s all it becomes: an attempt.  I get bored with it and chances are I will never, ever finish it.  My most recent example is when I started reading The Lady in the Tower by Allison Weir.  I LOVE history books and I love reading all about Henry VIII and his six wives but not long after I started I lost my history-reading mood.  I don’t even think I read 100 pages.  It has no reflection on the subject matter or the author.  I’ve read a few of her books and have loved every single one.  I just lost that particular mood.  So it’s great for me to have so many different types of books.  I’ll always have something to read!  And if not, I live in a small town so the public library is only 2 miles away!

As I was making my list, I made sure to keep each box of books separate.  I always get so frustrated when I see a box labeled BOOKS but have no idea what books are in there.  So you have to heave the box out and dig through the books to see what’s inside.  So now I don’t have to worry about that!  All of the boxes are recycled (apple boxes and even an aquarium box) so I was able to categorize each list by the name of the product on the box!  This system is great!  After my list was complete I was looking for my next book when I finish The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson, and I was able to find it and which box it was in immediately!

Ok I’ve been going on and on.  Time to reveal the grand total of my book collection………………………………………. 471 (maybe more – I sometimes borrow books to my mom and grandma and I can’t remember if they have any of mine right now).

Current Project – Collection List

Lately I have been finding myself buying books that I already have but didn’t realize it.  I would find myself standing in the bookstores, usually Half Price Books, and trying very hard to remember if I already owned a particular book.  My last trip to HPB I ended up coming home with 2 books I already owned.  Several times I’ve thought about compiling a list of all of my books so I wouldn’t have this problem anymore.  So tonight is the night that this project begins.

My home is not very big so I don’t have enough space for all of the bookshelves I would need to hold all of the books I own.  So many of my books I have to keep in boxes in our storage room.  When I got home from work tonight I started bringing up the boxes (with E’s help, of course!).  I didn’t realize how many books I owned until I saw the boxes all together!  Five completely full boxes plus what I do keep on bookshelves!


Very Heavy Boxes!


Some are E’s and up front are my comic books


My Gone With The Wind Collection

IMG_1417 IMG_1416 IMG_1414This project could take me a few days.  This weekend is pretty filled up with activities already so I will have to work on it in my free time.  When I am done I will post an update with my final count.

How many books do you have in your collection?